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By Chris De Herrera 
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Windows CE
PC Companion Feature Comparison

By Chris De Herrera, Copyright 1999-2000
 Version 1.06  Revised 11/1/2001

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There are many different Windows CE products available.  This FAQ focuses on the applications included with the Pocket PC 2002, Pocket PC,. Handheld PC 2000, Palm-size PC, Handheld PC Professional Edition and Auto PC. They are commonly known as the PC Companions that are available for consumers and corporate users to purchase.

PC Companion Application / Function

Application / Function Pocket PC 2002 Pocket PC Palm-size PC Auto PC Handheld PC 2000 Handheld PC, Professional Edition
Pocket Outlook (Calendar, Contacts, Tasks) Yes Yes Yes Contacts Yes Yes
Pocket Applications (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access) Excel, Word, Money (download), Reader, Media Player 8 Excel, Word, Money, Reader, Media Player No No Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access, Media Player Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access
Notetaker/Inkwriter Yes, Notes Yes, Notes Yes, Notetaker No Yes, Inkwriter Yes, Inkwriter
Pocket Internet Explorer (Web Browser) Yes,  AvantGo Yes, Mobile Channels, AvantGo No, Mobile Channels No Yes, Internet Explorer 4.0 Yes
WAP (Wireless Access Protocol) Yes No No No No No
Inbox (E-Mail) Yes, HTML, Folders Yes, HTML Yes No Yes Yes
Accessories (Calculator, Voice Recorder, World Clock) Yes Yes Yes Voice Recorder Yes Yes
Communications (PPP, Terminal Emulator, Ethernet, Wireless, Network Client) PPP, Ethernet, Cellular Wireless PPP, Ethernet, Cellular Wireless PPP, Ethernet PPP Yes Yes
Terminal Server/Citrix Client Terminal Server, Citrix Citrix Citrix No Terminal Server, Citrix Terminal Server, Citrix
Printing No - 3rd Party No - 3rd Party No -3rd Party No Yes, including Internet Explorer Yes
Games (Solitaire) Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Microsoft Reader Yes Yes No No No No
Radio/CD Audio No No No Yes No No
MP3/WMA Audio Yes Yes No - 3rd Party No Yes No - 3rd Party
Maps & GPS Yes, Pocket Streets, 3rd Party Yes, Pocket Streets, 3rd Party Yes - Pocket Streets, 3rd Party Yes - GPS, voice directions Yes - Pocket Streets, 3rd Party Yes - Pocket Streets, 3rd Party
Voice Commands Yes, 3rd party No No Yes No No


As you can see each of these different hardware systems includes different applications that are included with each system.  For some systems, 3rd parties have added capabilities that exist for other platforms.

What features do you want to see in future versions of Windows CE and for which PC Companion? Please post your request on Pocket PC FAQ.

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