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By Chris De Herrera 
Copyright 1998-2007
 All Rights Reserved
A member of the Talksites Family of Websites

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Windows CE 2.0 Directory Structure
By Chris De Herrera, Copyright 1998
Version 1.01  Revised 5/28/98

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This is a comprehensive overview of the directory structure of a typical Handheld PC and Palm-size PC running Windows CE 2.0.  Note that Windows CE does not have drive letters like Windows 9x or Windows NT/2000.  Also, it supports long file names and subdirectories with spaces.  Also, data files stored in internal ram (not flash) are compressed at approximately a 2 to 1 ratio.

Windows CE 2.0 Handheld PC Directory Structure
Directory Description
\Control Panel Applets to configure system
\Databases Object store - Appointments, Contacts, other databases, registry.
\My Documents Where you store documents from Word or Excel
\My Documents\Synchronized Files Where you store documents to be automatically synchronized to the desktop
\Program Files Where programs should be stored. Use subdirectories to organize them.
\Program Files\Accessories Shortcuts to Accessories stored in the \Windows directory
\program Files\Communications Shortcuts to Communications stored in the \Windows directory
\Program Files\Communications\Mail Attachments This is where your mail attachments are stored.
\Program Files\Games Shortcut to Games stored in the \Windows directory
\Program Files\Office Shortcut to Office (Excel and Word) stored in the \Windows directory
\Program Files\Office\Templates This is where the templates are stored.
\Program Files\Pocket Outlook Shortcuts to Calendar and Contacts stored in the \Windows directory
\Storage Card flash card or sram
\Storage Card2 flash card or sram
\Temporary Internet Files Pocket Internet Explorer Cache
\Windows All .DLLs, help files, sounds and backgrounds are stored here
\Windows\Desktop The desktop shortcuts
\Windows\Favorites Explorer Shortcuts to favorite websites
\Windows\Fonts Truetype fonts are placed here.
\Windows\Programs This is where the start menu shortcuts are stored
\Windows\Programs\Accessories Accessories shortcuts menu
\Windows\Programs\Applications Applications shortcuts menu
\Windows\Programs\Communication Communication shortcuts menu
\Windows\Programs\Games Games shortcuts menu
\Windows\Programs\Office Office shortcut menu
\Windows\Programs\Pocket Outlook Pocket Outlook shortcut menu
\Windows\Recent Shortcuts to recently accessed files
\Windows\Startup Programs run on reset (not power up)

Windows CE 2.0 Palm-size PC Directory Structure
Directory Description
\My Documents Where you store documents from Notetaker, voice recorder, etc.  This is automatically synchronized to your PC
\Program Files Where programs should be stored. Use subdirectories to organize them.
\Storage Card Compact Flash card
\Temp Temporary Files
\Windows All .DLLs, help files, sounds and backgrounds are stored here
\Windows\AppMgr Application Manager directory
\Windows\Fonts Truetype fonts are placed here.
\Windows\Programs This is where the start menu shortcuts are stored
\Windows\Programs\Start Menu This is where the start menu shortcuts are stored
\Windows\Programs\Start Menu\Programs Programs shortcut menu
\Windows\Programs\Start Menu\Programs\Communications Communications shortcut menu
\Windows\Programs\Start Menu\Programs\Games Games shortcut menu (Solitare)
\Windows\Startup Programs run on reset (not power up)
\Windows\Temporary Internet Files Mobile Channels are stored here.

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