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By Chris De Herrera 
Copyright 1998-2007
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Styli and other Writing Utensils FAQ
By Chris De Herrera, Copyright 1998

 Version 1.00  Revised 10/11/98

One of the most important additions to PC Companion or PDA computing experience is a comfortable stylus.  There are a variety of styli so you'll have plenty to choose from.  The decision about which stylus is best for you can only be made by you.   There are significant differences in the various styli such as softer tips, spring loaded tips, bright orange tips, rubber grips, and pen/pencil/stylus combos.  You can also purchase a stylus refill for an existing pen as well.

Pictures of various Styli

Styli Pictured From top to bottom:

    Pilot Pentopia - T1010 rubberize barrel.

    Pilot Pentopia - T2010 with rubber grip.

    Pilot Pentopia - T1000 basic stylus.

    Philips Velo Stylus - Combination Pen/Stylus

    UPS Stylus - Great for those times when you lose your stylus!

    Cross Pen - Metropolis Black/Gold

    Cross Pen - Solo Classic - Blue

Picture taken with the Casio QV-7000SX Digital Camera

Related Links:

Cross Pen Computing Group - They manufacture the Digital Writer which has a softer tip.

PDA Panache - A vendor that specializes in Styli

Pilot Pentopia - Some of their pens use a bright orange tip, spring loaded tip and/or a rubber grip.   They also offer replacement styli for various H/PCs/PDAs.

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