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By Chris De Herrera 
Copyright 1998-2007
 All Rights Reserved
A member of the Talksites Family of Websites

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Press Releases

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Announce product update information - Pocket Painter

Aidem has released version 1.30 of Pocket Painter. Pocket Painter is a high efficient and high quality image processing and painting tool for Pocket PC. With Aidem's Pocket Painter, you can modify photos and images, apply filter and special effects on them, free style painting, and much more..
 New features of Pocket Painter 1.20 :
* Support JPEG format in saving file.

New features of Pocket Painter 1.30 :
* Speed up the performance in opening image files
* Support display optimization for 16-bit color (65536 colors) and 12-bit color (4096 colors)
Download and Buy Pocket Painter from :

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