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Pocket PC Magazine Best Site

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By Chris De Herrera 
Copyright 1998-2007
 All Rights Reserved
A member of the Talksites Family of Websites

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Press Releases

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PPCInstall 1.3 available for download 

We are pleased to announce the availability for download of PPCInstall v1.3, our PocketPC Setup Application.

v1.3 provides additional information in the Files screen, showing whether files are marked as Shared or Registerable.

PPCInstall carries out the majority of the work in creating setups from projects authored with Microsoft Embedded Visual Basic 3.0.

It leaves the User to add any additional files not specified in the eVb Project, and any Shortcuts and Registry Settings.

If WinZipSE® is installed on the computer running PPCInstall, the resultant setup files will be self-extracting .Exe files, otherwise, all requisite files will be included in a .Zip file.

PPCInstall is available for evaluation, the unregistered version expires after 30 days.

For more details, see

PPCInstall costs only US$75.00 and can be registered at

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