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Pocket PC Magazine Best Site

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By Chris De Herrera 
Copyright 1998-2007
 All Rights Reserved
A member of the Talksites Family of Websites

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PHM Registry Editor 0.6 !

his update fix the export to .reg functions and add support for new .reg formats :
- Windows Registry Editor V4 (Windows 9x/NT)
- Windows Registry Editor V5 (Windows 2K/XP)
- eVT (eMbedded Visual Tools 3) Windows CE Remote Registry Editor

Support for Expandable Values.

It also include preliminary support for favorites (some minor problems with using them after expanding/collapsing nodes).

Minor usability fixes everywhere to make it easier to use and smaller.

PHM Registry Editor is a free registry editor for the Pocket PC

Let me know if you like the new features :-)

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