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By Chris De Herrera 
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Press Releases

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Ectaco International, Inc. Launches More Translation Software for Pocket PCs

NEW YORK - February 27, 2001 - Ectaco, Inc., a hand held electronic dictionary manufacturer, announced that more Pocket PC versions have been developed by the company as an addition to its translation software product line.

New Language Teacher Pocket PC dictionary programs have been developed for Pocket PC (Windows CE 3.0) - English-Hungarian and English-Serbo-Croatian.

The programs work on MIPS, ARM/StrongARM or SH3 CPU-based devices; they also support CEF (Common Executable Format). Currently available are the dictionary programs for eight languages - French, German, Italian, Polish, Spanish, Swedish, Hungarian, Serbo-Croatian.

All Language Teacher Pocket PC software has been developed so that several programs for different languages may be installed and used on any Pocket PC.

Available now from, the Language Teacher Pocket PC software can be downloaded into your PDA and has a built-in bi-directional dictionary. The software has a full-volume dictionary database and built support for national languages.

Minimum requirements: Desktop PC with Windows 95/98/NT 4.0 to run Setup and ActiveSync software. WindowsCE 3.0 and higher, Pocket PC with MIPS, ARM/StrongARM, SH3 or CEF-compatible CPU; RAM 2MB (1.5MB free).

Demo version of each product may be downloaded free of charge from

The Language Teacher(r) family of software products also includes Palm OS and Windows 95/98/NT compatible versions.

About Ectaco International, Inc.

Founded in 1990, Ectaco International Inc. soon became one of the leading developers and manufacturers of handheld translating devices and software. The company currently offers 52 models of pocket electronic dictionaries under Language Teacher trade mark for 24 languages and software compatible to a number of operating systems.

Ectaco, Inc. is headquartered in New York with 14 representative offices world-wide. For additional information on Ectaco, Inc. or the products they offer visit or call 718 728 6110.

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