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Pocket PC Magazine Best Site

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By Chris De Herrera 
Copyright 1998-2007
 All Rights Reserved
A member of the Talksites Family of Websites

Windows and Windows CE are trademarks of Microsoft
and are used
under license from owner.
CEWindows.NET is not
associated with Microsoft 

All Trademarks are owned
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Philips Velo and Nino Software
By Chris De Herrera, Copyright 2000, 2001
 Version 1.05  Revised 10/15/2001

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As many of you know, Philips has decided to exit the Windows CE market.   The no longer are manufacturing Velo and Nino products.  Due to this fact, I have contacted them to make exclusive arrangements to distribute the software, patches, etc. for their products on an ongoing basis.

For support please visit Pocket PC FAQ. As of April 2001, Philips has discontinued their Velo and Nino websites.  You can still get e-mail support at and .

Velo 1

FTL (Flash Translation Layer) Installer version 1.0 for Windows CE 1.0
FTL (Flash Translation Layer) Installer version 1.1 for Windows CE 1.0
Turbo Patch for Velo 1 with Windows CE 1.0
Windows CE 2.0 Upgrade - Requires Windows CE 2.0 rom for Velo 1
United Kingdom Modem Driver - Windows CE 1.0
Netherlands Modem Driver - Windows CE 1.0
United Kingdom Modem Driver - Windows CE 2.0
Netherlands Modem Driver - Windows CE 2.0
Windows CE 2.0 Users Manual

Velo 500

bFax 3.01 Upgrade
Windows CE 2.0 Service Pack 1
FTL (Flash Translation Layer) version 2.0
VGA Patch
Modem Driver - France

Modem Driver - Germany

Modem Driver - United Kingdom
Users Manual
Product Information

Nino 200 Series

Product Information - Page 1
Product Information - Page 2

Nino 300 series

Modem Installer
English Telephone Connectivity Kit
French Telephone Connectivity Kit
German Telephone Connectivity Kit
Software Update 1
Software Update 2
Users Manual

Product Information

Nino 510

Nino Image
Modem Installer
Software Update 1
Users Manual
Product Information

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