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By Chris De Herrera 
Copyright 1998-2007
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A member of the Talksites Family of Websites

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Changes - September 2001
By Chris De Herrera, Copyright 1998-2001

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9/27/2001 - Added SyncTalk FX expands power of portable devices to the Press Releases

9/26/2001 - Added the SoHoWare NetBlaster II to the compatible 802.11 Wireless LAN PC Cards.  Added Idruna Software Releases Photogenics Personal Edition for Pocket PC, Aidem has released version 1.50 of Photo Explorer, the best choice for high-quality pictures display, album management & slide show software in your Pocket PC to the Press Releases.   

9/24/2001 - Added Adobe Announces Public Beta Version of Acrobat Reader for Pocket PC to the Press Releases.   Added The Pocket PC 2002 Gets More Features for Work and Play.

9/19/2001 - Split the News and Press Releases.  Added a InfoSync International feed to the News.   Added HandyMed releases HandyCards/WinCE v4.0, HandyCards Creator, and On-line Tutorials to the Press Releases

9/18/2001 - Added Pocket PC 2002 Upgrade for @MIGO owners, POCKET PC SUMMIT - We Must Go Forward In A Spirit Of Faith And Hope And Charity to the News/Press Releases.  Added more links to Mobius 2001 & Microsoft Mobility Community Council 2001

9/17/2001 - Added HP’s Jornada 565/568 can connect wirelessly, Special Feature: Pocket PC 2002, Pocket PC 2002: Power, Refined to the Pocket PC 2002 Articles.  Added Pocket PC 2002 Screen Shots - Connection Manager.  Added the Mobius 2001 & Microsoft Mobility Community Council 2001 article.  Added SYWARE Debuts Visual CE® 6.0, New Database Development Software for Windows CE & Pocket PC Devices, CalliGrapher Resource Kit 6.0 and PenOffice 2.0 Beta are also now available, World's First Intrinsically Safe Industrial Mobile Computing Platform to the News/Press Releases.

9/16/2001 - Added Pocket PC 2002 Pictures, Pocket PC 2002 Comparison.

9/15/2001 - Added the following by Michael Boone: Configure a Proxy Connection to use your Desktop Internet Connection to get Newsgroups, News ReadersInk Spot CE Review, News Force Review, PPCNewz, NewsPC.  I added these articles so that they would have a home since their original location will be deleted by the end of the month.  Aded 20 eBooks to the Reader eBook Directory.

9/14/2001 - Added Working out Website Names - Trademarks - The Difference between Palm and Microsoft.

9/12/2001 - Added the Samsung MagicLan 802.11b drivers and specs to the 802.11 Wireless LAN PC Card s. Added Sci-Fi Press Release, Manage your Travel Itineraries and Frequent Flyer Accounts, Applian Technologies announces PicturePerfect 5.1 to the News/Press Releases.

9/10/2001 - Added Pocket PC 2002 to the Pocket PC Protocol Summary.  Added First PDAs to Ship Based on Microsoft Pocket PC 2002 Software to the News/Press Releases.

9/8/2001 - Added Microsoft's Pocket PC 2002 Website, Microsoft Means Business --  The Pocket PC 2002, Q&A: Ben Waldman, Vice President of the Mobile Devices Division at Microsoft, Previews New Pocket PC Software to the Pocket PC 2002 Articles.

9/7/2001 - Added a Pocket PC 2002 (Code Name Merlin) section to the Windows CE 3.0 page.   Added Pocket PC 2002 Screen Shots - PIM (Calendar, Contacts & Tasks), Pocket PC 2002 - Pocket Office, Pocket PC 2002 Screen Shots - Windows Media Player, Pocket PC 2002 Screen Shots - Microsoft Reader, Screen Shots - MSN Messenger, Notes, File Explorer, Screen Shots - Internet ExplorerAdded menus to the Pocket PC 2002 Screen Shots.  Added Pocket PC 2002 and ActiveSync 3.5 to the Versions FAQ.  Added Pocket PC 2002 information to the ActiveSync 3.5 FAQ.  Added info on the iPAQ upgrade and other Pocket PC upgrades to the Upgrade FAQAdded Pocket PC 2002 Screen Shots - Inbox.

9/6/2001 - Added  Pocket PC 2002 Screen Shots, Pocket PC 2002 Screen Shots - Settings.  Pocket PC 2002 is announced today! It is code name Merlin, the next generation of Pocket PC.

9/5/2001 - Added  HP Intros Color Pocket PCs Based on New OS to the Merlin Articles.

9/4/2001 - Added HP Handhelds Fall under Merlin's Spell to the Merlin Articles.

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