RAPI [an error occurred while processing this directive] Topics 1. What is RAPI? 1. What is RAPI? RAPI stands for Remote API. It is a means of allowing desktop- based applications to talk with CE devices while they're connected to the desktop via ActiveSync. 2. How can I get my desktop app to talk to my CE device? That's what RAPI is all about. It allows you to read & write CE files and databases, and even allows you to lauch applications on the CE device. (This can be particularly useful.) 3. I'm writing my desktop application in VB. How do I use RAPI? The link below specifies a (free) type library that makes it very easy for VB to work with RAPI functions. For more information: http://www.conduits.com/ce/dev/vbrapi.htm 4. I'm writing my desktop application in Delphi. How do I use RAPI? Here's a Pascal unit (RAPI.Pas) which I've used with great success. unit rapi; interface uses Windows, Sysutils; // // Module: // // rapi.h // // Purpose: // // Master include file for Pegasus Remote API // Converted to Delphi by Scott Crossen // If you make changes to this file, please e-mail me so that I can add the // changes to this file. - mailto:scottc@hotmail.com // I release this file to the public domain // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- const FAF_ATTRIBUTES = $00000001; FAF_CREATION_TIME = $00000002; FAF_LASTACCESS_TIME = $00000004; FAF_LASTWRITE_TIME = $00000008; FAF_SIZE_HIGH = $00000010; FAF_SIZE_LOW = $00000020; FAF_OID = $00000040; FAF_NAME = $00000080; FAF_FLAG_COUNT = 8; FAF_ATTRIB_CHILDREN = $00001000; FAF_ATTRIB_NO_HIDDEN = $00002000; FAF_FOLDERS_ONLY = $00004000; FAF_NO_HIDDEN_SYS_ROMMODULES = $00008000; FAD_OID =$1; FAD_FLAGS =$2; FAD_NAME =$4; FAD_TYPE =$8; FAD_NUM_RECORDS =$10; FAD_NUM_SORT_ORDER =$20; FAD_SIZE =$40; FAD_LAST_MODIFIED =$80; FAD_SORT_SPECS =$100; FAD_FLAG_COUNT =$9; CeDB_SORT_DESCENDING = $00000001 ; CeDB_SORT_CASEINSENSITIVE = $00000002 ; CeDB_SORT_UNKNOWNFIRST = $00000004 ; CeDB_SORT_GENERICORDER = $00000008 ; CeDB_MAXDBASENAMELEN =32 ; CeDB_MAXSORTORDER =4 ; CeDB_VALIDNAME =$0001 ; CeDB_VALIDTYPE =$0002 ; CeDB_VALIDSORTSPEC =$0004 ; CeDB_VALIDMODTIME =$0008 ; OBJTYPE_INVALID =0; OBJTYPE_FILE =1; OBJTYPE_DIRECTORY =2; OBJTYPE_DATABASE =3; OBJTYPE_RECORD =4; CeDB_AUTOINCREMENT = $00000001; CeDB_SEEK_CeOID = $00000001 ; CeDB_SEEK_BEGINNING = $00000002 ; CeDB_SEEK_END = $00000004 ; CeDB_SEEK_CURRENT = $00000008 ; CeDB_SEEK_VALUESMALLER = $00000010 ; CeDB_SEEK_VALUEFIRSTEQUAL = $00000020 ; CeDB_SEEK_VALUEGREATER = $00000040 ; CeDB_SEEK_VALUENEXTEQUAL = $00000080 ; CeVT_I2 =2 ; CeVT_UI2 =18; CeVT_I4 =3 ; CeVT_UI4 =19; CeVT_FILETIME =64; CeVT_LPWSTR =31; CeVT_BLOB =65; CeDB_PROPNOTFOUND =$0100; CeDB_PROPDELETE =$0200; CeDB_MAXDATABLOCKSIZE =4092 ; CeDB_MAXPROPDATASIZE =(CeDB_MAXDATABLOCKSIZE*16); CeDB_MAXRECORDSIZE =(128*1024); CeDB_ALLOWREALLOC =$00000001; SYSMEM_CHANGED =0; SYSMEM_MUSTREBOOT =1; SYSMEM_REBOOTPENDING =2; SYSMEM_FAILED =3; AC_LINE_OFFLINE = $00; AC_LINE_ONLINE = $01; AC_LINE_BACKUP_POWER = $02; AC_LINE_UNKNOWN = $FF; BATTERY_FLAG_HIGH =$01 ; BATTERY_FLAG_LOW =$02 ; BATTERY_FLAG_CRITICAL =$04 ; BATTERY_FLAG_CHARGING =$08 ; BATTERY_FLAG_NO_BATTERY =$80 ; BATTERY_FLAG_UNKNOWN =$FF ; BATTERY_PERCENTAGE_UNKNOWN =$FF; BATTERY_LIFE_UNKNOWN =$FFFFFFFF; type // // The Pegasus WIN32_FIND_DATA structure differs from the // Windows WIN32_FIND_DATA stucture so we copy the Pegasus // definition to here so that both sides match. // PCe_Find_Data = ^TCe_Find_Data; TCe_Find_Data = record dwFileAttributes:DWORD; ftCreationTime:TFileTime; ftLastAccessTime:TFileTime; ftLastWriteTime:TFileTime; nFileSizeHigh:DWORD; nFileSizeLow:DWORD; dwOID:DWord; cFileName: array[0..MAX_PATH - 1] of WideChar; end; TCe_Find_Data_array = array[0..MaxInt div sizeof(TCe_Find_Data)-1] of TCe_Find_Data; PCe_Find_Data_array = ^TCe_Find_Data_array; PStore_Information = ^TStore_Information; TStore_Information = record dwStoreSize:DWORD; dwFreeSize:DWORD; end; CePROPID = DWORD; PCePROPID = ^PCePROPID; TCe_PropID_array = array[0..MaxInt div sizeof(CePROPID)-1] of CePROPID; PCe_PropID_array = ^TCe_PropID_array; CeOID=DWORD; PCeOID = ^CeOID; TCeFileInfo = record dwAttributes:DWORD; oidParent:CeOID; szFileName: array [0..MAX_PATH-1] of WCHAR; ftLastChanged:TFileTime; dwLength:DWORD; end; TCeDirInfo = record dwAttributes:DWORD; oidParent:CeOID; szDirName:array [0..MAX_PATH-1] of WCHAR; end; TCeRecordInfo = record oidParent:CeOID; end; TSortOrderSpec= record propid:CePROPID; dwFlags:DWORD; end; TCeDBaseInfo = record dwFlags:DWORD; szDbaseName:array [0..CeDB_MAXDBASENAMELEN-1] of WCHAR ; dwDbaseType:DWORD; wNumRecords:WORD; wNumSortOrder:WORD; dwSize:DWORD; ftLastModified:TFileTime; rgSortSpecs:array [0..CeDB_MAXSORTORDER-1] of TSortOrderSpec; end; TCeDB_File_Data = record OidDb:CeOID ; DbInfo:TCeDBaseInfo ; end; PCeDB_File_Data=^TCeDB_File_Data; TCeDB_File_Data_Array = array [0..MaxInt div sizeof(TCeDB_File_Data)-1] of TCeDB_File_Data; PCeDB_File_Data_Array = ^TCeDB_File_Data_Array; TCeOIdInfo = record wObjType:WORD; wPad:WORD; case Integer of 0:( infFile:TCeFileInfo ); 1: ( infDirectory:TCeDIRINFO); 2: ( infDatabase:TCeDBASEINFO ); 3: ( infRecord:TCeRECORDINFO); end; PCeOIDInfo = ^TCeOIDInfo; TCeOIContainerStruct = record //does not map to rapi.h type -- made just for EnumDB sample app OID: CeOID; OIDInfo: TCeOIDInfo; end; PCeOIContainerStruct = ^TCeOIContainerStruct; TCeBlob = record dwCount:DWORD; lpb:DWORD; end; TCeValUnion = record iVal:SHORT; uiVal:WORD; lVal:LongInt ; ulVal:ULONG ; fletime:TFileTime; lpwstr:LPWSTR; blob:TCeBlob ; end; TCePROPVAL = record propid:CePROPID ; wLenData:Word; wFlags:WORD; val:TCeVALUNION; end; TCeOSVersionInfo= record wOSVersionInfoSize:DWORD; dwMajorVersion:DWORD; dwMinorVersion:DWORD; dwBuildNumber:DWORD; dwPlatformId:DWORD; szCSDVersion:array[ 0..128-1 ] of WCHAR; end; PCeOSVersionInfo = ^TCeOSVersionInfo; TSystem_Power_Status_Ex = record ACLineStatus:BYTE; BatteryFlag:BYTE; BatteryLifePercent:BYTE; Reserved1:BYTE; BatteryLifeTime:BYTE; BatteryFullLifeTime:BYTE; Reserved2:BYTE; BackupBatteryFlag:BYTE; BackupBatteryLifePercent:BYTE; Reserved3:BYTE; BackupBatteryLifeTime:DWORD; BackupBatteryFullLifeTime:DWORD; end; PSystem_Power_Status_Ex=^TSystem_Power_Status_Ex; TSystem_Power_Status_ExArray = array [0..MaxInt div Sizeof(TSystem_Power_Status_Ex) -1] of TSystem_Power_Status_Ex; PSystem_Power_Status_ExArray =^TSystem_Power_Status_ExArray; TRapiInit = record cbSize:DWORD; heRapiInit:THandle; hrRapiInit:HResult; end; TCeRapiInit = function : LongInt stdcall; TCeRapiInitEx = function(var RInit:TRapiInit) : LongInt stdcall; TCeCreateDatabase = function (lpszName:LPWSTR; dwDbaseType:DWORD; wNumSortOrder:WORD; var rgSortSpecs:TSortOrderSpec):CeOID stdcall; TCeDeleteDatabase = function(oidDBase:CeOId):BOOL stdcall; TCeDeleteRecord = function(hDatabase:THandle; oidRecord:CeOID):BOOL stdcall; TCeFindFirstDatabase = function(dwDbaseType:DWORD):THandle stdcall; TCeFindNextDatabase =function(hEnum:THandle):CeOID stdcall; TCeOidGetInfo =function(oid:CeOID; var poidInfo:TCeOIDINFO):BOOL stdcall; TCeOpenDatabase =function(var poid:CeOID; lpszName:LPWSTR; propid:CePROPID; dwFlags:DWORD; hwndNotify:HWND):THandle stdcall; TCeReadRecordProps =function(hDbase:THandle; dwFlags:DWORD;var cPropID :WORD; var rgPropID :PCe_PropID_array;Buffer:Pointer; var cbBuffer:DWORD):CeOID stdcall; {TCeReadRecordProps =function(hDbase:THandle; dwFlags:DWORD; cPropID :LongInt; var rgPropID :PCe_PropID_array;Buffer:Pointer; cbBuffer:LongInt):CeOID stdcall;} TCeSeekDatabase =function(hDatabase:THandle; dwSeekType:DWORD; dwValue:LongInt; dwIndex:PDWORD):CeOID stdcall; TCeSetDatabaseInfo =function(oidDbase:CeOID; var NewInfo:TCeDBaseInfo):BOOL stdcall; TCeWriteRecordProps =function(hDbase:THandle; oidRecord:CeOID; cPropID:WORD; PropVal:TCePROPVAL):CeOID stdcall; TCeFindFirstFile =function(lpFileName:LPCWSTR; lpFindFileData:PCe_FIND_DATA):THandle stdcall; TCeFindNextFile =function(hFindFile:THandle; lpFindFileData:PCe_FIND_DATA):BOOL stdcall; TCeFindClose =function(hFindFile:THandle):BOOL stdcall; TCeGetFileAttributes =function(lpFileName:LPCWSTR):DWORD stdcall; TCeSetFileAttributes =function(FileName:LPCWSTR; dwFileAttributes:DWORD):BOOL stdcall; TCeCreateFile =function(lpFileName:LPCWSTR; dwDesiredAccess:DWORD; dwShareMode: DWORD; lpSecurityAttributes: PSecurityAttributes; dwCreationDistribution:DWORD; dwFlagsAndAttributes:DWORD;hTemplateFile:THandle):THandle stdcall; TCeReadFile =function(hFile:THandle; lpBuffer:Pointer; nNumberOfBytesToRead:DWORD; var NumberOfBytesRead :DWORD; Overlapped:POVERLAPPED):BOOL stdcall; TCeWriteFile =function(hFile:THandle; Buffer:Pointer; NumberOfBytesToWrite:DWORD; var NumberOfBytesWritten:DWORD; OverLapped:POVERLAPPED):BOOL stdcall; TCeCloseHandle =function(hObject:THandle):BOOL stdcall; TCeFindAllDatabases =function(dwDbaseType:DWORD; wFlags:WORD; var cFindData:DWORD; var ppFindData:PCeDB_File_Data_Array):BOOL stdcall; TCeGetLastError =function :DWORD stdcall; TGetRapiError = function : LongInt stdcall ; TCeSetFilePointer =function(hFile:THandle; DistanceToMove:LongInt; DistanceToMoveHigh:PULONG; dwMoveMethod:DWORD):DWORD stdcall; TCeSetEndOfFile =function(hFile:THandle):BOOL stdcall; TCeCreateDirectory =function(lpPathName:LPCWSTR; lpSecurityAttributes:PSecurityAttributes):BOOL stdcall; TCeRemoveDirectory =function(PathName:LPCWSTR):BOOL stdcall; TCeCreateProcess =function(lpApplicationName:LPCWSTR;lpCommandLine:LPCWSTR; lpProcessAttributes:PSecurityAttributes; lpThreadAttributes:PSecurityAttributes;bInheritHandles :BOOL;dwCreateFlags :DWORD; lpEnvironment:Pointer; lpCurrentDirectory :LPWSTR; lpStartupInfo:PSTARTUPINFO; lpProcessInformation:PProcessInformation):BOOL stdcall; TCeMoveFile =function(lpExistingFileName:LPCWSTR; lpNewFileName:LPCWSTR):BOOL stdcall; TCeCopyFile =function(lpExistingFileName:LPCWSTR; lpNewFileName:LPCWSTR; bFailIfExists:BOOL):BOOL stdcall; TCeDeleteFile =function(lpFileName:LPCWSTR):BOOL stdcall; TCeGetFileSize =function(hFile:THandle; lpFileSizeHigh:PDWORD):DWORD stdcall; TCeRegOpenKeyEx =function(hKey:HKEY; SubKey:LPCWSTR; Reserved:DWORD; samDesired:REGSAM; Result:PHKEY):LongInt stdcall; TCeRegEnumKeyEx =function(hKey:HKEY; dwIndex:DWORD; KeyName:LPWSTR; chName:PDWORD; reserved:PDWORD; szClass:LPWSTR; cchClass:PDWORD; ftLastWrite:PFILETIME):LongInt stdcall; TCeRegCreateKeyEx =function(hKey:HKEY; lpSzSubKey:LPCWSTR; dwReserved:DWORD; lpszClass:LPWSTR; dwOption:DWORD; samDesired:REGSAM; lpSecurityAttributes:PSecurityAttributes; phkResult:PHKEY; lpdwDisposition:PDWORD):LongInt stdcall; TCeRegCloseKey =function(hKey:HKEY):LongInt stdcall; TCeRegDeleteKey =function(hKey:HKEY; lpszSubKey:LPCWSTR):LongInt stdcall; TCeRegEnumValue =function(hKey:HKEY; dwIndex:DWORD; lpszName:LPWSTR; lpcchName:PDWORD; lpReserved:PDWORD; lpszClass:PDWORD; lpcchClass:PBYTE; lpftLastWrite:PDWORD):LongInt stdcall; TCeRegDeleteValue =function(hKey:HKEY; lpszValueName:LPCWSTR):LongInt stdcall; TCeRegQueryInfoKey =function(hKey:HKEY; ClassName:LPWSTR; cchClass:PDWORD; Reserved:PDWORD; cSubKeys:PDWORD; cchMaxSubKeyLen:PDWORD; cchMaxClassLen:PDWORD; cValues:PDWORD; cchMaxValueNameLen:PDWORD; cbMaxValueData:PDWORD; cbSecurityDescriptor:PDWORD; LastWriteTime:PFILETIME):LongInt stdcall; TCeRegQueryValueEx =function(hKey:HKEY; ValueName:LPCWSTR; Reserved:PDWORD; pType:PDWORD; pData:PBYTE; cbData:PDWORD):LongInt stdcall; TCeRegSetValueEx =function(hKey:HKEY; ValueName:LPCWSTR; reserved:DWORD; dwType:DWORD; pData:PBYTE; cbData:DWORD):LongInt stdcall; TCeGetStoreInformation=function(lpsi:PSTORE_INFORMATION):BOOL stdcall; TCeGetSystemMetrics =function(nIndex:Integer):Integer stdcall; TCeGetDesktopDeviceCaps=function(nIndedx:Integer):LongInt stdcall; TCeGetSystemInfo =procedure (lpSystemInfo:PSystemInfo)stdcall; TCeSHCreateShortcut =function(ShortCut:LPWSTR; Target:LPWSTR):DWORD stdcall; TCeSHGetShortcutTarget=function(ShortCut:LPWSTR; Target:LPWSTR; cbMax:integer):BOOL stdcall; TCeCheckPassword =function(lpszPassword:LPWSTR):BOOL stdcall; TCeGetFileTime =function(hFile:THandle; lpCreationTime:PFILETIME; lpLastAccessTime:PFILETIME; lpLastWriteTime:PFILETIME):BOOL stdcall; TCeSetFileTime =function(hFile:THandle; CreationTime:PFILETIME; LastAccessTime:PFILETIME; lastWriteTime:PFILETIME):BOOL stdcall; TCeGetVersionEx =function(lpVersionInfo:PCeOSVERSIONINFO):BOOL stdcall; TCeGetWindow =function(hWnd:HWND; uCmd:UINT):HWND stdcall; TCeGetWindowLong =function(hWnd:HWND; nIndex:integer):LongInt stdcall; TCeGetWindowText =function(hWnd:HWND; lpString:LPWSTR; nMaxCount:integer):Integer stdcall; TCeGetClassName =function(hWnd:HWND; lpClassName:LPWSTR; nMaxCount:integer):Integer stdcall; TCeGlobalMemoryStatus = procedure(lpmst:PMemoryStatus)stdcall; TCeGetSystemPowerStatusEx=function(pStatus:PSYSTEM_POWER_STATUS_EX; fUpdate:BOOL):BOOL stdcall; //added 10/16/00 - Terence Goggin; terencegoggin@hotmail.com TDesktopToDevice =function(DesktopLocation, TableList: String; Sync: BOOL; Overwrite: Integer; DeviceLocation: String):Longint stdcall; TCeRapiUnInit = function : LongInt stdcall; TCeFindAllFiles =function(Path:PWideChar; Attr:DWORD; var Count:DWord; var FindData: PCe_Find_Data_array):BOOL stdcall; TRapiFreeBuffer = procedure (p:Pointer) stdcall; function CeRapiInit:LongInt; function CeRapiUnInit:LongInt; function CeFindAllFiles(Path:PWideChar; Attr:DWORD; var Count:DWord; var FindData:PCe_Find_Data_array):BOOL; procedure RapiFreeBuffer(p:Pointer); function CeRapiInitEx(var RInit:TRapiInit) : LongInt ; function CeCreateDatabase (lpszName:LPWSTR; dwDbaseType:DWORD; wNumSortOrder:WORD; var rgSortSpecs:TSortOrderSpec):CeOID ; function CeDeleteDatabase (oidDBase:CeOId):BOOL ; function CeDeleteRecord (hDatabase:THandle; oidRecord:CeOID):BOOL ; function CeFindFirstDatabase (dwDbaseType:DWORD):THandle ; function CeFindNextDatabase(hEnum:THandle):CeOID ; function CeOidGetInfo(oid:CeOID; var poidInfo:TCeOIDINFO):BOOL ; function CeOpenDatabase(var poid:CeOID; lpszName:LPWSTR; propid:CePROPID; dwFlags:DWORD; hwndNotify:HWND):THandle ; function CeReadRecordProps (hDbase:THandle; dwFlags:DWORD;var cPropID :WORD; var rgPropID :PCe_PropID_array; Buffer:Pointer; var cbBuffer:DWORD):CeOID ; function CeSeekDatabase (hDatabase:THandle; dwSeekType:DWORD; dwValue:LongInt; dwIndex:PDWORD):CeOID ; function CeSetDatabaseInfo (oidDbase:CeOID; var NewInfo:TCeDBaseInfo):BOOL ; function CeWriteRecordProps(hDbase:THandle; oidRecord:CeOID; cPropID:WORD; PropVal:TCePROPVAL):CeOID ; function CeFindFirstFile(lpFileName:LPCWSTR; lpFindFileData:PCe_FIND_DATA):THandle ; function CeFindNextFile(hFindFile:THandle; lpFindFileData:PCe_FIND_DATA):BOOL ; function CeFindClose (hFindFile:THandle):BOOL ; function CeGetFileAttributes (lpFileName:LPCWSTR):DWORD ; function CeSetFileAttributes (FileName:LPCWSTR; dwFileAttributes:DWORD):BOOL ; function CeCreateFile (lpFileName:LPCWSTR; dwDesiredAccess:DWORD; dwShareMode: DWORD; lpSecurityAttributes: PSecurityAttributes; dwCreationDistribution:DWORD; dwFlagsAndAttributes:DWORD;hTemplateFile:THandle):THandle ; function CeReadFile (hFile:THandle; lpBuffer:Pointer; nNumberOfBytesToRead:DWORD; var NumberOfBytesRead :DWORD; Overlapped:POVERLAPPED):BOOL ; function CeWriteFile (hFile:THandle; Buffer:Pointer; NumberOfBytesToWrite:DWORD; var NumberOfBytesWritten:DWORD; OverLapped:POVERLAPPED):BOOL ; function CeCloseHandle (hObject:THandle):BOOL ; function CeFindAllDatabases(dwDbaseType:DWORD; wFlags:WORD; var cFindData:DWORD;var ppFindData:PCeDB_File_Data_Array):BOOL ; function CeGetLastError :DWORD ; function GetRapiError : LongInt ; function CeSetFilePointer (hFile:THandle; DistanceToMove:LongInt; DistanceToMoveHigh:PULONG; dwMoveMethod:DWORD):DWORD ; function CeSetEndOfFile (hFile:THandle):BOOL ; function CeCreateDirectory (lpPathName:LPCWSTR; lpSecurityAttributes:PSecurityAttributes):BOOL ; function CeRemoveDirectory (PathName:LPCWSTR):BOOL ; function CeCreateProcess (lpApplicationName:LPCWSTR;lpCommandLine:LPCWSTR; lpProcessAttributes:PSecurityAttributes; lpThreadAttributes:PSecurityAttributes;bInheritHandles :BOOL;dwCreateFlags :DWORD; lpEnvironment:Pointer; lpCurrentDirectory :LPWSTR; lpStartupInfo:PSTARTUPINFO; lpProcessInformation:PProcessInformation):BOOL ; function CeMoveFile(lpExistingFileName:LPCWSTR; lpNewFileName:LPCWSTR):BOOL ; function CeCopyFile (lpExistingFileName:LPCWSTR; lpNewFileName:LPCWSTR; bFailIfExists:BOOL):BOOL ; function CeDeleteFile (lpFileName:LPCWSTR):BOOL ; function CeGetFileSize (hFile:THandle; lpFileSizeHigh:PDWORD):DWORD ; function CeRegOpenKeyEx (hKey:HKEY; SubKey:LPCWSTR; Reserved:DWORD; samDesired:REGSAM; pResult:PHKEY):LongInt ; function CeRegEnumKeyEx (hKey:HKEY; dwIndex:DWORD; KeyName:LPWSTR; chName:PDWORD; reserved:PDWORD; szClass:LPWSTR; cchClass:PDWORD; ftLastWrite:PFILETIME):LongInt ; function CeRegCreateKeyEx (hKey:HKEY; lpSzSubKey:LPCWSTR; dwReserved:DWORD; lpszClass:LPWSTR; dwOption:DWORD; samDesired:REGSAM; lpSecurityAttributes:PSecurityAttributes; phkResult:PHKEY; lpdwDisposition:PDWORD):LongInt ; function CeRegCloseKey (hKey:HKEY):LongInt ; function CeRegDeleteKey (hKey:HKEY; lpszSubKey:LPCWSTR):LongInt ; function CeRegEnumValue (hKey:HKEY; dwIndex:DWORD; lpszName:LPWSTR; lpcchName:PDWORD; lpReserved:PDWORD; lpszClass:PDWORD; lpcchClass:PBYTE; lpftLastWrite:PDWORD):LongInt ; function CeRegDeleteValue (hKey:HKEY; lpszValueName:LPCWSTR):LongInt ; function CeRegQueryInfoKey (hKey:HKEY; ClassName:LPWSTR; cchClass:PDWORD; Reserved:PDWORD; cSubKeys:PDWORD; cchMaxSubKeyLen:PDWORD; cchMaxClassLen:PDWORD; cValues:PDWORD; cchMaxValueNameLen:PDWORD; cbMaxValueData:PDWORD; cbSecurityDescriptor:PDWORD; LastWriteTime:PFILETIME):LongInt ; function CeRegQueryValueEx (hKey:HKEY; ValueName:LPCWSTR; Reserved:PDWORD; pType:PDWORD; pData:PBYTE; cbData:PDWORD):LongInt ; function CeRegSetValueEx (hKey:HKEY; ValueName:LPCWSTR; reserved:DWORD; dwType:DWORD; pData:PBYTE; cbData:DWORD):LongInt ; function CeGetStoreInformation(lpsi:PSTORE_INFORMATION):BOOL ; function CeGetSystemMetrics(nIndex:Integer):Integer ; function CeGetDesktopDeviceCaps(nIndedx:Integer):LongInt ; procedure CeGetSystemInfo (lpSystemInfo:PSystemInfo); function CeSHCreateShortcut(ShortCut:LPWSTR; Target:LPWSTR):DWORD ; function CeSHGetShortcutTarget(ShortCut:LPWSTR; Target:LPWSTR; cbMax:integer):BOOL ; function CeCheckPassword (lpszPassword:LPWSTR):BOOL ; function CeGetFileTime (hFile:THandle; lpCreationTime:PFILETIME; lpLastAccessTime:PFILETIME; lpLastWriteTime:PFILETIME):BOOL ; function CeSetFileTime (hFile:THandle; CreationTime:PFILETIME; LastAccessTime:PFILETIME; lastWriteTime:PFILETIME):BOOL ; function CeGetVersionEx (lpVersionInfo:PCeOSVERSIONINFO):BOOL ; function CeGetWindow (hWnd:HWND; uCmd:UINT):HWND ; function CeGetWindowLong (hWnd:HWND; nIndex:integer):LongInt ; function CeGetWindowText (hWnd:HWND; lpString:LPWSTR; nMaxCount:integer):Integer ; function CeGetClassName (hWnd:HWND; lpClassName:LPWSTR; nMaxCount:integer):Integer ; procedure CeGlobalMemoryStatus(lpmst:PMemoryStatus); function CeGetSystemPowerStatusEx(pStatus:PSYSTEM_POWER_STATUS_EX; fUpdate:BOOL):BOOL ; //added 10/16/00 - Terence Goggin; terencegoggin@hotmail.com function DesktopToDevice(DesktopLocation, TableList: String; Sync: BOOL; Overwrite: Integer; DeviceLocation: String):Longint; implementation var mCeRapiInit : TCeRapiInit; mCeRapiUnInit : TCeRapiUnInit; mCeFindAllFiles:TCeFindAllFiles; mRapiFreeBuffer : TRapiFreeBuffer; mCeRapiInitEx:TCeRapiInitEx; mCeCreateDatabase:TCeCreateDatabase; mCeDeleteDatabase:TCeDeleteDatabase ; mCeDeleteRecord:TCeDeleteRecord ; mCeFindFirstDatabase:TCeFindFirstDatabase; mCeFindNextDatabase:TCeFindNextDatabase ; mCeOidGetInfo:TCeOidGetInfo ; mCeOpenDatabase:TCeOpenDatabase ; mCeReadRecordProps:TCeReadRecordProps ; mCeSeekDatabase:TCeSeekDatabase ; mCeSetDatabaseInfo:TCeSetDatabaseInfo ; mCeWriteRecordProps:TCeWriteRecordProps ; mCeFindFirstFile:TCeFindFirstFile ; mCeFindNextFile:TCeFindNextFile ; mCeFindClose:TCeFindClose ; mCeGetFileAttributes:TCeGetFileAttributes ; mCeSetFileAttributes:TCeSetFileAttributes ; mCeCreateFile:TCeCreateFile ; mCeReadFile:TCeReadFile ; mCeWriteFile:TCeWriteFile; mCeCloseHandle:TCeCloseHandle ; mCeFindAllDatabases:TCeFindAllDatabases ; mCeGetLastError:TCeGetLastError ; mGetRapiError:TGetRapiError ; mCeSetFilePointer:TCeSetFilePointer ; mCeSetEndOfFile:TCeSetEndOfFile ; mCeCreateDirectory:TCeCreateDirectory ; mCeRemoveDirectory:TCeRemoveDirectory ; mCeCreateProcess:TCeCreateProcess ; mCeMoveFile:TCeMoveFile ; mCeCopyFile:TCeCopyFile ; mCeDeleteFile:TCeDeleteFile; mCeGetFileSize:TCeGetFileSize; mCeRegOpenKeyEx:TCeRegOpenKeyEx; mCeRegEnumKeyEx:TCeRegEnumKeyEx; mCeRegCreateKeyEx:TCeRegCreateKeyEx ; mCeRegCloseKey:TCeRegCloseKey ; mCeRegDeleteKey:TCeRegDeleteKey ; mCeRegEnumValue:TCeRegEnumValue; mCeRegDeleteValue:TCeRegDeleteValue; mCeRegQueryInfoKey:TCeRegQueryInfoKey; mCeRegQueryValueEx:TCeRegQueryValueEx; mCeRegSetValueEx:TCeRegSetValueEx; mCeGetStoreInformation:TCeGetStoreInformation; mCeGetSystemMetrics:TCeGetSystemMetrics ; mCeGetDesktopDeviceCaps:TCeGetDesktopDeviceCaps; mCeGetSystemInfo:TCeGetSystemInfo ; mCeSHCreateShortcut:TCeSHCreateShortcut; mCeSHGetShortcutTarget:TCeSHGetShortcutTarget; mCeCheckPassword:TCeCheckPassword ; mCeGetFileTime:TCeGetFileTime ; mCeSetFileTime:TCeSetFileTime; mCeGetVersionEx:TCeGetVersionEx; mCeGetWindow:TCeGetWindow ; mCeGetWindowLong:TCeGetWindowLong ; mCeGetWindowText:TCeGetWindowText ; mCeGetClassName:TCeGetClassName ; mCeGlobalMemoryStatus:TCeGlobalMemoryStatus; mCeGetSystemPowerStatusEx:TCeGetSystemPowerStatusEx; //added 10/16/00 - Terence Goggin; terencegoggin@hotmail.com mDesktopToDevice: TDesktopToDevice; RapiModule, AdoCEModule : THandle; function RapiLoaded : BOOL; {-Assure that TAPI is loaded and globals are set} begin if RapiModule < > 0 then begin Result := True; Exit; end; {Load RAPI} RapiModule := LoadLibrary('RAPI.DLL'); if RapiModule > HINSTANCE_ERROR then begin {Say it's loaded...} Result := True; {...and load all globals} @mCeRapiInit := GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeRapiInit'); @mCeRapiUnInit := GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeRapiUnInit'); @mCeFindAllFiles := GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeFindAllFiles'); @mRapiFreeBuffer := GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'RapiFreeBuffer'); @mCeCreateDatabase:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeCreateDatabase'); @mCeDeleteDatabase:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeDeleteDatabase'); @mCeDeleteRecord:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeDeleteRecord'); @mCeFindFirstDatabase:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeFindFirstDatabase'); @mCeFindNextDatabase:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeFindNextDatabase'); @mCeOidGetInfo:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeOidGetInfo'); @mCeOpenDatabase:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeOpenDatabase'); @mCeReadRecordProps:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeReadRecordProps'); @mCeSeekDatabase:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeSeekDatabase'); @mCeSetDatabaseInfo:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeSetDatabaseInfo'); @mCeWriteRecordProps:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeWriteRecordProps'); @mCeFindFirstFile:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeFindFirstFile'); @mCeFindNextFile:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeFindNextFile'); @mCeFindClose:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeFindClose'); @mCeGetFileAttributes:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeGetFileAttributes'); @mCeSetFileAttributes:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeSetFileAttributes'); @mCeCreateFile:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeCreateFile'); @mCeReadFile:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeReadFile'); @mCeWriteFile:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeWriteFile'); @mCeCloseHandle:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeCloseHandle'); @mCeFindAllDatabases:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeFindAllDatabases'); @mCeGetLastError:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeGetLastError'); @mGetRapiError:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'GetRapiError'); @mCeSetFilePointer:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeSetFilePointer'); @mCeSetEndOfFile:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeSetEndOfFile'); @mCeCreateDirectory:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeCreateDirectory'); @mCeRemoveDirectory:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeRemoveDirectory'); @mCeCreateProcess:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeCreateProcess'); @mCeMoveFile:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeMoveFile'); @mCeCopyFile:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeCopyFile'); @mCeDeleteFile:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeDeleteFile'); @mCeGetFileSize:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeGetFileSize'); @mCeRegOpenKeyEx:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeRegOpenKeyEx'); @mCeRegEnumKeyEx:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeRegEnumKeyEx'); @mCeRegCreateKeyEx:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeRegCreateKeyEx'); @mCeRegCloseKey:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeRegCloseKey'); @mCeRegDeleteKey:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeRegDeleteKey'); @mCeRegEnumValue:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeRegEnumValue'); @mCeRegDeleteValue:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeRegDeleteValue'); @mCeRegQueryInfoKey:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeRegQueryInfoKey'); @mCeRegQueryValueEx:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeRegQueryValueEx'); @mCeRegSetValueEx:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeRegSetValueEx'); @mCeGetStoreInformation:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeGetStoreInformation'); @mCeGetSystemMetrics:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeGetSystemMetrics'); @mCeGetDesktopDeviceCaps:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeGetDesktopDeviceCaps'); @mCeGetSystemInfo:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeGetSystemInfo'); @mCeSHCreateShortcut:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeSHCreateShortcut'); @mCeSHGetShortcutTarget:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeSHGetShortcutTarget'); @mCeCheckPassword:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeCheckPassword'); @mCeGetFileTime:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeGetFileTime'); @mCeSetFileTime:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeSetFileTime'); @mCeGetVersionEx:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeGetVersionEx'); @mCeGetWindow:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeGetWindow'); @mCeGetWindowLong:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeGetWindowLong'); @mCeGetWindowText:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeGetWindowText'); @mCeGetClassName:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeGetClassName'); @mCeGlobalMemoryStatus:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeGlobalMemoryStatus'); @mCeGetSystemPowerStatusEx:= GetProcAddress(RapiModule, 'CeGetSystemPowerStatusEx'); end else Result := False; end; function AdoCELoaded : BOOL; begin if AdoCEModule < > 0 then begin Result := True; Exit; end; {Load ADOCE} AdoCEModule := LoadLibrary('C:\Program Files\Microsoft ActiveSync\adofiltr.dll'); if AdoCEModule > HINSTANCE_ERROR then begin {Say it's loaded...} Result := True; {...and load all globals} @mDesktopToDevice := GetProcAddress(AdoCEModule, 'DESKTOPTODEVICE'); end else Result := False; end; function CeFindAllFiles(Path:PWideChar; Attr:DWORD; var Count:DWord; var FindData:PCe_Find_Data_array):BOOL; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := False; Exit; end; if @mCeFindAllFiles < > nil then Result := mCeFindAllFiles(Path,Attr,Count,FindData) else Result := False; end; procedure RapiFreeBuffer (p:Pointer); begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Exit; end; if @mRapiFreeBuffer < > nil then mRapiFreeBuffer(p); end; function CeRapiInit : LongInt; {-Initialize a line device} begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mCeRapiInit < > nil then Result := mCeRapiInit else Result := $FFFF; end; function CeRapiUnInit : LongInt; {-Initialize a line device} begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mCeRapiUnInit < > nil then Result := mCeRapiUnInit else Result := $FFFF; end; function CeRapiInitEx(var RInit:TRapiInit) : LongInt ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mCeRapiInitEx < > nil then Result := mCeRapiInitEx(RInit) else Result := $FFFF; end; function CeCreateDatabase (lpszName:LPWSTR; dwDbaseType:DWORD; wNumSortOrder:WORD; var rgSortSpecs:TSortOrderSpec):CeOID ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mCeCreateDatabase < > nil then Result := mCeCreateDatabase (lpszName, dwDbaseType, wNumSortOrder,rgSortSpecs) else Result := $FFFF; end; function CeDeleteDatabase (oidDBase:CeOId):BOOL ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := False; Exit; end; if @mCeDeleteDatabase < > nil then Result := mCeDeleteDatabase (oidDBase) else Result := False; end; function CeDeleteRecord (hDatabase:THandle; oidRecord:CeOID):BOOL ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := False; Exit; end; if @mCeDeleteRecord < > nil then Result := mCeDeleteRecord (hDatabase, oidRecord) else Result := False; end; function CeFindFirstDatabase (dwDbaseType:DWORD):THandle ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mCeFindFirstDatabase < > nil then Result := mCeFindFirstDatabase (dwDbaseType) else Result := $FFFF; end; function CeFindNextDatabase(hEnum:THandle):CeOID ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mCeFindNextDatabase < > nil then Result := mCeFindNextDatabase(hEnum) else Result := $FFFF; end; function CeOidGetInfo (oid:CeOID; var poidInfo:TCeOIDINFO):BOOL ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := False; Exit; end; if @mCeOidGetInfo < > nil then Result := mCeOidGetInfo (oid,poidInfo) else Result := False; end; function CeOpenDatabase (var poid:CeOID; lpszName:LPWSTR; propid:CePROPID; dwFlags:DWORD; hwndNotify:HWND):THandle ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mCeOpenDatabase < > nil then Result := mCeOpenDatabase (poid,lpszName, propid, dwFlags, hwndNotify) else Result := $FFFF; end; function CeReadRecordProps (hDbase:THandle; dwFlags:DWORD;var cPropID :WORD; var rgPropID :PCe_PropID_array; Buffer:Pointer; var cbBuffer:DWORD):CeOID ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mCeReadRecordProps < > nil then Result := mCeReadRecordProps (hDbase,dwFlags, cPropID, rgPropID,Buffer,cbBuffer) else Result := $FFFF; end; function CeSeekDatabase (hDatabase:THandle; dwSeekType:DWORD; dwValue:LongInt; dwIndex:PDWORD):CeOID ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mCeSeekDatabase < > nil then Result := mCeSeekDatabase(hDatabase, dwSeekType, dwValue, dwIndex) else Result := $FFFF; end; function CeSetDatabaseInfo (oidDbase:CeOID; var NewInfo:TCeDBaseInfo):BOOL ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := False; Exit; end; if @mCeSetDatabaseInfo < > nil then Result := mCeSetDatabaseInfo (oidDbase,NewInfo) else Result := False; end; function CeWriteRecordProps(hDbase:THandle; oidRecord:CeOID; cPropID:WORD; PropVal:TCePROPVAL):CeOID ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mCeWriteRecordProps < > nil then Result := mCeWriteRecordProps(hDbase,oidRecord,cPropID, PropVal) else Result := $FFFF; end; function CeFindFirstFile(lpFileName:LPCWSTR; lpFindFileData:PCe_FIND_DATA):THandle ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mCeFindFirstFile < > nil then Result := mCeFindFirstFile(lpFileName, lpFindFileData) else Result := $FFFF; end; function CeFindNextFile(hFindFile:THandle; lpFindFileData:PCe_FIND_DATA):BOOL ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := False; Exit; end; if @mCeFindNextFile < > nil then Result := mCeFindNextFile(hFindFile,lpFindFileData) else Result := False; end; function CeFindClose (hFindFile:THandle):BOOL ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := False; Exit; end; if @mCeFindClose < > nil then Result := mCeFindClose(hFindFile) else Result := False; end; function CeGetFileAttributes (lpFileName:LPCWSTR):DWORD ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mCeGetFileAttributes < > nil then Result := mCeGetFileAttributes (lpFileName) else Result := $FFFF; end; function CeSetFileAttributes (FileName:LPCWSTR; dwFileAttributes:DWORD):BOOL ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := False; Exit; end; if @mCeSetFileAttributes < > nil then Result := mCeSetFileAttributes (FileName, dwFileAttributes) else Result := False; end; function CeCreateFile (lpFileName:LPCWSTR; dwDesiredAccess:DWORD; dwShareMode: DWORD; lpSecurityAttributes: PSecurityAttributes; dwCreationDistribution:DWORD; dwFlagsAndAttributes:DWORD;hTemplateFile:THandle):THandle ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mCeCreateFile < > nil then Result := mCeCreateFile (lpFileName,dwDesiredAccess, dwShareMode, lpSecurityAttributes, dwCreationDistribution, dwFlagsAndAttributes,hTemplateFile) else Result := $FFFF; end; function CeReadFile (hFile:THandle; lpBuffer:Pointer; nNumberOfBytesToRead:DWORD; var NumberOfBytesRead :DWORD; Overlapped:POVERLAPPED):BOOL ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := False; Exit; end; if @mCeReadFile < > nil then Result := mCeReadFile (hFile, lpBuffer, nNumberOfBytesToRead, NumberOfBytesRead, Overlapped) else Result := False; end; function CeWriteFile (hFile:THandle; Buffer:Pointer; NumberOfBytesToWrite:DWORD; var NumberOfBytesWritten:DWORD; OverLapped:POVERLAPPED):BOOL ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := False; Exit; end; if @mCeWriteFile < > nil then Result := mCeWriteFile (hFile, Buffer, NumberOfBytesToWrite, NumberOfBytesWritten, OverLapped) else Result := False; end; function CeCloseHandle (hObject:THandle):BOOL ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := False; Exit; end; if @mCeCloseHandle < > nil then Result := mCeCloseHandle (hObject) else Result := False; end; function CeFindAllDatabases(dwDbaseType:DWORD; wFlags:WORD; var cFindData:DWORD; var ppFindData:PCeDB_File_Data_Array):BOOL ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := False; Exit; end; if @mCeFindAllDatabases < > nil then Result := mCeFindAllDatabases(dwDbaseType,wFlags,cFindData,ppFindData) else Result := False; end; function CeGetLastError :DWORD ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mCeGetLastError < > nil then Result := mCeGetLastError else Result := $FFFF; end; function GetRapiError : LongInt ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mGetRapiError < > nil then Result := mGetRapiError else Result := $FFFF; end; function CeSetFilePointer (hFile:THandle; DistanceToMove:LongInt; DistanceToMoveHigh:PULONG; dwMoveMethod:DWORD):DWORD ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mCeSetFilePointer < > nil then Result := mCeSetFilePointer (hFile, DistanceToMove, DistanceToMoveHigh, dwMoveMethod) else Result := $FFFF; end; function CeSetEndOfFile (hFile:THandle):BOOL ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := False; Exit; end; if @mCeSetEndOfFile < > nil then Result := mCeSetEndOfFile (hFile) else Result := False; end; function CeCreateDirectory (lpPathName:LPCWSTR; lpSecurityAttributes:PSecurityAttributes):BOOL ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := False; Exit; end; if @mCeCreateDirectory < > nil then Result := mCeCreateDirectory (lpPathName,lpSecurityAttributes) else Result := False; end; function CeRemoveDirectory (PathName:LPCWSTR):BOOL ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := False; Exit; end; if @mCeRemoveDirectory < > nil then Result := mCeRemoveDirectory (PathName) else Result := False; end; function CeCreateProcess (lpApplicationName:LPCWSTR;lpCommandLine:LPCWSTR; lpProcessAttributes:PSecurityAttributes; lpThreadAttributes:PSecurityAttributes;bInheritHandles :BOOL;dwCreateFlags :DWORD; lpEnvironment:Pointer; lpCurrentDirectory :LPWSTR; lpStartupInfo:PSTARTUPINFO; lpProcessInformation:PProcessInformation):BOOL ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := False; Exit; end; if @mCeCreateProcess < > nil then Result := mCeCreateProcess (lpApplicationName,lpCommandLine, lpProcessAttributes, lpThreadAttributes,bInheritHandles,dwCreateFlags, lpEnvironment,lpCurrentDirectory, lpStartupInfo, lpProcessInformation) else Result :=False; end; function CeMoveFile(lpExistingFileName:LPCWSTR; lpNewFileName:LPCWSTR):BOOL ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := False; Exit; end; if @mCeMoveFile < > nil then Result := mCeMoveFile(lpExistingFileName,lpNewFileName) else Result := False; end; function CeCopyFile (lpExistingFileName:LPCWSTR; lpNewFileName:LPCWSTR; bFailIfExists:BOOL):BOOL ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := False; Exit; end; if @mCeCopyFile < > nil then Result := mCeCopyFile (lpExistingFileName,lpNewFileName,bFailIfExists) else Result := False; end; function CeDeleteFile (lpFileName:LPCWSTR):BOOL ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := False; Exit; end; if @mCeDeleteFile < > nil then Result := mCeDeleteFile(lpFileName) else Result := False; end; function CeGetFileSize (hFile:THandle; lpFileSizeHigh:PDWORD):DWORD ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mCeGetFileSize < > nil then Result := mCeGetFileSize (hFile, lpFileSizeHigh) else Result := $FFFF; end; function CeRegOpenKeyEx (hKey:HKEY; SubKey:LPCWSTR; Reserved:DWORD; samDesired:REGSAM; pResult:PHKEY):LongInt ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mCeRegOpenKeyEx < > nil then Result := mCeRegOpenKeyEx (hKey,SubKey,Reserved,samDesired, pResult) else Result := $FFFF; end; function CeRegEnumKeyEx (hKey:HKEY; dwIndex:DWORD; KeyName:LPWSTR; chName:PDWORD; reserved:PDWORD; szClass:LPWSTR; cchClass:PDWORD; ftLastWrite:PFILETIME):LongInt ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mCeRegEnumKeyEx < > nil then Result := mCeRegEnumKeyEx (hKey,dwIndex,KeyName,chName, reserved, szClass,cchClass,ftLastWrite) else Result := $FFFF; end; function CeRegCreateKeyEx (hKey:HKEY; lpSzSubKey:LPCWSTR; dwReserved:DWORD; lpszClass:LPWSTR; dwOption:DWORD; samDesired:REGSAM; lpSecurityAttributes:PSecurityAttributes; phkResult:PHKEY; lpdwDisposition:PDWORD):LongInt ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mCeRegCreateKeyEx < > nil then Result := mCeRegCreateKeyEx (hKey, lpSzSubKey, dwReserved, lpszClass, dwOption, samDesired,lpSecurityAttributes, phkResult,lpdwDisposition) else Result := $FFFF; end; function CeRegCloseKey (hKey:HKEY):LongInt ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mCeRegCloseKey < > nil then Result := mCeRegCloseKey (hKey) else Result := $FFFF; end; function CeRegDeleteKey (hKey:HKEY; lpszSubKey:LPCWSTR):LongInt ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mCeRegDeleteKey < > nil then Result := mCeRegDeleteKey (hKey,lpszSubKey) else Result := $FFFF; end; function CeRegEnumValue (hKey:HKEY; dwIndex:DWORD; lpszName:LPWSTR; lpcchName:PDWORD; lpReserved:PDWORD; lpszClass:PDWORD; lpcchClass:PBYTE; lpftLastWrite:PDWORD):LongInt ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mCeRegEnumValue < > nil then Result := mCeRegEnumValue (hKey, dwIndex,lpszName, lpcchName, lpReserved,lpszClass, lpcchClass, lpftLastWrite) else Result := $FFFF; end; function CeRegDeleteValue (hKey:HKEY; lpszValueName:LPCWSTR):LongInt ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mCeRegDeleteValue < > nil then Result := mCeRegDeleteValue (hKey,lpszValueName) else Result := $FFFF; end; function CeRegQueryInfoKey (hKey:HKEY; ClassName:LPWSTR; cchClass:PDWORD; Reserved:PDWORD; cSubKeys:PDWORD; cchMaxSubKeyLen:PDWORD; cchMaxClassLen:PDWORD; cValues:PDWORD; cchMaxValueNameLen:PDWORD; cbMaxValueData:PDWORD; cbSecurityDescriptor:PDWORD; LastWriteTime:PFILETIME):LongInt ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mCeRegQueryInfoKey < > nil then Result := mCeRegQueryInfoKey (hKey,ClassName,cchClass,Reserved, cSubKeys,cchMaxSubKeyLen,cchMaxClassLen, cValues, cchMaxValueNameLen,cbMaxValueData,cbSecurityDescriptor, LastWriteTime) else Result := $FFFF; end; function CeRegQueryValueEx (hKey:HKEY; ValueName:LPCWSTR; Reserved:PDWORD; pType:PDWORD; pData:PBYTE; cbData:PDWORD):LongInt ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mCeRegQueryValueEx < > nil then Result := mCeRegQueryValueEx (hKey, ValueName, Reserved,pType, pData,cbData) else Result := $FFFF; end; function CeRegSetValueEx (hKey:HKEY; ValueName:LPCWSTR; reserved:DWORD; dwType:DWORD; pData:PBYTE; cbData:DWORD):LongInt ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mCeRegSetValueEx < > nil then Result := mCeRegSetValueEx (hKey,ValueName,reserved, dwType,pData,cbData) else Result := $FFFF; end; function CeGetStoreInformation(lpsi:PSTORE_INFORMATION):BOOL ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := False; Exit; end; if @mCeGetStoreInformation < > nil then Result := mCeGetStoreInformation(lpsi) else Result := False; end; function CeGetSystemMetrics(nIndex:Integer):Integer ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mCeGetSystemMetrics < > nil then Result := mCeGetSystemMetrics(nIndex) else Result := $FFFF; end; function CeGetDesktopDeviceCaps(nIndedx:Integer):LongInt ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mCeGetDesktopDeviceCaps < > nil then Result := mCeGetDesktopDeviceCaps(nIndedx) else Result := $FFFF; end; procedure CeGetSystemInfo (lpSystemInfo:PSystemInfo); begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Exit; end; if @mCeGetSystemInfo < > nil then mCeGetSystemInfo (lpSystemInfo); end; function CeSHCreateShortcut(ShortCut:LPWSTR; Target:LPWSTR):DWORD ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mCeSHCreateShortcut < > nil then Result := mCeSHCreateShortcut(ShortCut,Target) else Result := $FFFF; end; function CeSHGetShortcutTarget(ShortCut:LPWSTR; Target:LPWSTR; cbMax:integer):BOOL ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := False; Exit; end; if @mCeSHGetShortcutTarget < > nil then Result := mCeSHGetShortcutTarget(ShortCut, Target, cbMax) else Result :=False; end; function CeCheckPassword (lpszPassword:LPWSTR):BOOL ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := False; Exit; end; if @mCeCheckPassword < > nil then Result := mCeCheckPassword (lpszPassword) else Result := False; end; function CeGetFileTime (hFile:THandle; lpCreationTime:PFILETIME; lpLastAccessTime:PFILETIME; lpLastWriteTime:PFILETIME):BOOL ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := False; Exit; end; if @mCeGetFileTime < > nil then Result := mCeGetFileTime( hFile,lpCreationTime, lpLastAccessTime,lpLastWriteTime) else Result := False; end; function CeSetFileTime (hFile:THandle; CreationTime:PFILETIME; LastAccessTime:PFILETIME; lastWriteTime:PFILETIME):BOOL ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := False; Exit; end; if @mCeSetFileTime < > nil then Result := mCeSetFileTime (hFile,CreationTime, LastAccessTime, lastWriteTime) else Result := False; end; function CeGetVersionEx (lpVersionInfo:PCeOSVERSIONINFO):BOOL ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := False; Exit; end; if @mCeGetVersionEx < > nil then Result := mCeGetVersionEx (lpVersionInfo) else Result := False; end; function CeGetWindow (hWnd:HWND; uCmd:UINT):HWND ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mCeGetWindow < > nil then Result := mCeGetWindow(hWnd, uCmd) else Result := $FFFF; end; function CeGetWindowLong (hWnd:HWND; nIndex:integer):LongInt ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mCeGetWindowLong < > nil then Result := mCeGetWindowLong (hWnd ,nIndex) else Result := $FFFF; end; function CeGetWindowText (hWnd:HWND; lpString:LPWSTR; nMaxCount:integer):Integer ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mCeGetWindowText < > nil then Result := mCeGetWindowText (hWnd, lpString, nMaxCount) else Result := $FFFF; end; function CeGetClassName (hWnd:HWND; lpClassName:LPWSTR; nMaxCount:integer):Integer ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mCeGetClassName < > nil then Result := mCeGetClassName(hWnd,lpClassName, nMaxCount) else Result := $FFFF; end; procedure CeGlobalMemoryStatus(lpmst:PMemoryStatus); begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Exit; end; if @mCeGlobalMemoryStatus < > nil then mCeGlobalMemoryStatus(lpmst); end; function CeGetSystemPowerStatusEx(pStatus:PSYSTEM_POWER_STATUS_EX; fUpdate:BOOL):BOOL ; begin if not RapiLoaded then begin Result := False; Exit; end; if @mCeGetSystemPowerStatusEx < > nil then Result := mCeGetSystemPowerStatusEx(pStatus, fUpdate) else Result := False; end; //added 10/16/00 - Terence Goggin; terencegoggin@hotmail.com function DesktopToDevice(DesktopLocation, TableList: String; Sync: BOOL; Overwrite: Integer; DeviceLocation: String):Longint; begin if not AdoCELoaded then begin Result := $FFFF; Exit; end; if @mDesktopToDevice < > nil then Result := mDesktopToDevice(DesktopLocation, TableList, Sync, Overwrite, DeviceLocation) else Result := $FFFF; end; end. Credits: Thanks to Scott Crossen (scottc@hotmail.com) for his initial work in creating this unit. 5. How do I copy a desktop file to my CE device? How do I copy a CE file to my desktop? Just set up a file copy routine, the same as you would on any Win32 platform. The only difference here is that you'll be using CeReadFile() (when copying from the device) or CeWriteFile() (when copying to the device). It's that simple. Here's some code from a Microsoft sample app that was distributed with earlier versions of the CE SDKs. //copy desktop file to CE device via RAPI //note that RAPI must have been initialized before this code is invoked. hSrc = CreateFile( tszSrcFile, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hSrc) { _tprintf( TEXT("Unable to open source/host file")); return 1; } hDest = CeCreateFile( wszDestFile, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hDest ) { _tprintf( TEXT("Unable to open WinCE file")); return 1; } do { if (ReadFile( hSrc, &Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), &dwNumRead, NULL)) { if (!CeWriteFile( hDest, &Buffer, dwNumRead, &dwNumWritten, NULL)) { _tprintf( TEXT("Error !!! Writing WinCE file")); goto FatalError; } } else { _tprintf( TEXT("Error !!! Reading source file")); goto FatalError; } _tprintf( TEXT(".")); } while (dwNumRead); _tprintf( TEXT("\n")); FatalError: CeCloseHandle( hDest); CloseHandle (hSrc); [an error occurred while processing this directive] Terence Goggin's DoctorCE.com site - Custom Windows CE development/consulting services. Return to Chris De Herrera's Windows CE Website Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Email Terence "Dr. CE" Goggin. |